Thursday, December 2, 2010

Creative Hour

  My friend, Sally, and I decided to try out this new restaurant that had just opened in our little town of Port Jervis, N.Y.  Our reservations were at 6 o'clock and with the state my growling stomach was in I couldn't wait to try the delicious food, or so I thought.  I ended up ordering the cream of broccoli soup with a side of spinach salad and a strawberry lemonade. Sally got the double cheeseburger with a side of fries and a vanilla milkshake.  There was a weird smell in the air of the new restaurant like the dusty smell that your heater creates the first time you turn it on for the winter, a sort of musty smell.  Our food arrived 30 minutes later and the smell became the last thing on my mind, I was hungry and couldn't wait to gobble down my meal.  I started with the soup. It was scalding hot but my empty stomach couldn't wait for it to cool down.  The soup had a consistency of a freshly spat lougie and as the gooey soup exited my mouth and down my throat I felt myself gag at the fowl taste that was left behind on my taste buds.  It was unlike anything I had ever tasted before almost like a cross between vomit and year old milk.  I decided to stay clear of the soup and pushed it off of my plate. I turned to the salad that had black shavings atop the wilting spinach leaves. It looked as if someone had cut their hair and placed it on my salad to be eaten.  I brought the salad closer so I could inspect it before I put it in my digestive system and noticed some strange movement in the leaves.  I looked even closer and noticed the hair like strings were wiggling, they were thin worms. Disgusted, I pushed the salad away and called over my waiter.  She became furious when I began to explain how I was completely unhappy with my revolting meal and she starting screaming.  Before I could walk out of the restaurant the waiter ripped off her skin and became a terrifying monster....I woke in a cold sweat breathing heavily, blankets off and my body shaking uncontrollably.  I lay awake trying to make sense of what had just happened when reality set in and I realized, it was nothing but a dream.


  1. Thats an amazing story! I felt like I was inside the restaurant, breathing, smelling the food, great description! Its a good thing this was all just a dream!

  2. Well that was very interesting. In the begging the story seemed to catch my eye. I liked how you used specific details about the food and smell of the resturant. I felt like I was there,smelling the musty air. I really liked how you used a different variety of vocabular. I wasn't able to find anything wrong with the creative writing. It was a well executed short story.

  3. I really love this! The way that you described the food in such a revolting way makes anyone who reads this blog completely disgusted. It was especially creative with the ending that everything was all a dream. I have never read anything like this before. You used really good vocabulary, and did a fantastic job at describing not only sights, but feeling smells, and touch.
