Monday, February 27, 2012

Back In Time

  If I could travel back in time I would choose to go back to the Mesozoic Era or the "Age of the Reptiles".  When I was little one of my favorite movies was Jurassic Park, despite the fact that it scared me silly.  I would always have reoccurring dreams about the movie that a Tyrannosaurus Rex was chasing me and I'd have to hide in my parent’s closet until they became civil with me.  It scared me so much that when I would see water rippling in a cup due to blasting up in the mountains, I’d have to run to my window and make sure there wasn’t a giant dinosaur running at full speed ready to chew up my family outside.  Although it may sound a little strange that I would choose the one era that would terrify me most but I think it would be very interesting to travel back to either the Triassic or Jurassic period and see just how giant those creatures were as well as how they interacted with one another.  Also, I wouldn’t mind flying on the back of a Pterodactyl, that’d be pretty amazing. Dinosaurs were amazing creatures and it’s hard to believe that they once roamed the earth long before us.  Scientists would be able to understand and gain more knowledge on evolution if they were exposed in the era where dinosaurs were alive.  There are still many mysteries hiding in the crust of the earth waiting to be discovered but still may never be found.  For now, my only option of seeing a real life dinosaur would be to visit a museum where the bones of the deceased where carefully matched and placed together but, I’m fine with that!

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