Sunday, January 23, 2011

Macbeth Act 2

  In the second act of Macbeth the plan about killing King Duncan is underway. Lady Macbeth poisons the guards in King Duncan's room planning to frame them for the bloody murder they are about to commit. As Macbeth makes his way to the kings room he finds himself hallucinating seeing daggers flying towards him. However, once he's in the room the daggers disappear and the only thing Macbeth sees before his eyes is the King peacefully sleeping in his bed. After repeatedly stabbing Duncan, Macbeth returns to his lady covered in blood and still holding his murder weapons. Lady Macbeth  is furious and has to return to the crime scene to place the weapons in the guards possession because her husband failed to do so. Once the murder is done Mcduff knocks upon Macbeth's gates asking to see the king. He goes to wake the King only to find him dead. Upon hearing the news Macbeth kills the guards out of "fury" before they awake. King Duncan's death allowed Macbeth to become the new king just as the witches said he would.

  At first Macbeth didn't want to kill King Duncan but Lady Macbeth persuaded him into doing so. I believe after committing this murder and the witches second prediction coming true Macbeth and Lady Macbeth will spiral out of control doing whatever they need to in order to get what they want.

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