Thursday, January 20, 2011


  Have you ever been going through Cd's when you come across that dusty old scratched disc you had once listened to in elementary school?  I love it when I find old music that I haven't listened to for ages especially when I still remember the words to those childhood songs.  When Sarah and I were young  we like to make Cd's. I received a few from Sarah on my birthday and from her birthday party when it was apart of the "goody bag".  I recently found one of these Cd's in one of my old CD holders.  My sister Kirsti and I went through it on the way into town one day and found songs such as inspector gadget, I am a pizza, the unicorn song and the boys in the bright white sports car.  This not only brought smiles to our faces but it also brought a flood of childhood memories which I found AWESOME.

I'm not sure about anybody else but I'm sure feeling the stress of the approaching exams we are about to take. Exam week is hard on anybody. Who wants to spend there precious free time studying for subjects they have to be tested on. Although, after those hours and hours of endless studying, nothing feels better than getting that weight lifted off your back when exiting the chilled gym knowing that you just finished your last exam and won't have to take another for the next four months.  As our exam week is just around the corner I'm sure looking forward to Thursday when I will be writing my last exam of semester one. AWESOME.

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